A translation of Fr Alain Contat's Logica


22 August 2008

2. Analytical Introduction

In a scientific investigation (in the aristotelian sense of the term science), it is necessary to show why the studied object exists, then in what this consists. In the first part of the introduction, we have only partially resolved these two issues. In fact, we have shown what is the finality of this discipline which we cal logic, and what material it regards. Now we must complete this research. As regards the why of logic, since we are dealing with an instrument, it is necessary to determine if and in what way it is necessary to reach its assigned goal (part 1): since if an instrument is not necessary, it has no reason to be. With regard to its nature, we should clarify what its specific object(parts 2 and 3), and how the discipline should be divided with that in view(part 4). Finally, we will indicate briefly what are the sources of logic(part 5).

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